Happy New Year Everyone!
I hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year’s period. Mine was pretty fantastic but also filled with a fair amount of work. As you might have noticed, my website has been completely overhauled. I didn’t mind the old one but it had turned into more of a diary and personal journal than I had originally intended it to be. I decided since I was ready to release some books this year it made sense to give the site a fresh start as well. Turns out that rebuilding a website takes a bit more time than I thought, and while I’m happy with the results so far, I’ll keep working on it over the next few months to make it better and easier for everyone to use.
Did you notice how I snuck releasing books in there? Yep, I’m finally ready to ready some real pieces of work and start promoting them. Previously I’d published some short stories but it was mostly to get some experience in the self-publishing process and working with Amazon. Those stories are now included in my first original work, A Collection of Unfortunate Tales, along with the best of the other stories I’ve written over the last few years. They’re mostly quirky tales, with a few twists and turns thrown in. There’s also a wide range in their tones, so there is something for everyone in the collection.
The other major release I have is The Regender Project. It’s something I’ve been working on for a few years now, and thinking about for even longer. You can read more about it on The Rengender Project page but the short version is, I’ve taken classic novels and re-written them after swapping the genders of all the characters. So Sherlock Holmes is now a woman, as is Dr Jekyll, whose alter ago has become Miss Hyde. The goal in doing this is to help promote gender equality by illustrating how unbalanced the genders have been represented, historically, in fiction.
Having worked on the project for a while, I now have a number of regendered novels are available. I’d originally planned to release them, one at a time, during the first week of January, along with a free promotional period. Unfortunately, it turns out publishing can take more time and effort also, so I’ve had to adjust my plan somewhat. I’ll now be introducing one of the books each week, along with the free promotional period until I’ve caught up with all the novels I’ve regendered. Then I’ll switch to releasing two new books a month for the rest of the year. Sign up to my newsletter now so I can keep you up to date with all these releases.
In the meantime, click on this link to download and read my short story collection, free for a short time, then feel free to write a review telling me what you think!
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